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Our naam(s) are


Design: C*rash
Image: X
Joie Huiting
Joey Keryn Sack

October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 April 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009 2:25 PM

Dear Mr Imbufe,

How are you? We're all okay except Danielle who is getting bruises all over from dance haha. Sometimes, or rather, most times, it feels like we're all getting so far apart now. I bet you've forgotten all about us too):

And we're all aging so quickly! Do you know that Lewis, Sabrina, Ivan, Yanling, Tiffany, Nelson, Yihui and Stella are all sweet sixteen already?:O Sixteen and never been kissed! -except Ivan, Sabrina and Tiffany. Oh yeah and Wei Ren and Nicholas Ho turned 16 last year eheh. That leaves fifteen more of us still 15^^ It's hard to believe we were tiny fourteen-year-olds when we were 206. And that that was 2 years ago.

Now we'll update you on whats been happening lately, whether you remember us or not. (And we really hope you do)

1. Speech Day!
Guo Yanling and Yi hui were in the principal's list, as usual. And this time, Tiffany got in too:) And our very own Zong Xuan got top for physics! How cool is that.

Kay I suddenly can't think of anymore to update. Are there even events recently?

You know, Mr Imbufe, if you have a facebook account, go look for your fan club one day. Most of us are in it:D

Now we've come to June Hols outing/gathering! 2.06.09
Where: Danielle's place
When: 2nd June 2009- Yeah, there's SMO but we're going after that lah and possibly, the whole day till after dinner^^
What (we're gonna do): Lunch, playground-ing, boardgaming, swimming (for some), dinner and anything else we can think of at the time:)

Please let us know if you(ohsixers)'re free and coming. Call Wei Ren at 92261242. As of now, we have 12 people more or less confirmed.

See you one day, Mr Imbufe!
Lots of love,

Friday, December 19, 2008 9:44 PM

Ohsix outing on 15th DEC

Got any pics of friday, Danielle?

Love, Hanisah

Thursday, December 4, 2008 5:01 PM

TwoOhSix EOY Outing
As usual, WR and I are your planners and here are the details. PLEASE PICK and call these numbers to tell us your preference and confirm attendance. Dont worry, if you forget to call us, we'll call you.

Hanisah: 91195324 WeiRen: 92261242

A) Day/Date
CHOICE #1- Monday 15th Dec

CHOICE #2- Friday 19th Dec

B) Where&What2do
CHOICE #1- Cycling at West Coast Park

CHOICE #2- Sit Eat Talk at Random Shopping Mall/Restaurant (Prolly Vivo or Orchard but we may change our minds anytime. You are very welcome to recommend a place like maybe...WeiRen's house!^^)

Too fickle to pick? Just do Section A and call us already. We're looking forward to having our hp inboxes spammed and seeing you at the outing especially:)

Hanisah (& Wei Ren)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 9:06 PM

Dont you think this pic is damn cute? I wish we celebrated Halloween!

Okay anw like the new skin?^^ At first, the template that they had at blogskin.com was just screwed and the content and everything was all over the place and i had to go figure out whatwaswrongwiththewholecoding OHGOSH.

Note: I dont do blogskins. I wish I did but i really dont know much.

And I figured it out! YAY:D It doesnt take much lah, i just had to stare and stare and compare the screwedblogskindotcomcoding with the blogskinwewereusing. And tada! The person forgot to put "px" after the numerals for the width and height coding-.-

Okay we've got a new home now^^ The only problem now is i lost the old cbox coding and got this weird one we were suppose to have a long time ago AND i forgot all the links eheh. Help me.

P.S. I hope ohsixers at OBS right now are having fun!(: We are all sending our good vibes your way^^

Tuesday, November 4, 2008 7:10 PM

Blogskin changing time!

This is so fun, its like we're moving house liddat^^ Here are a few options. I'll put a picture of the preview and the link so you can check it. Take your pick and vote on the tagboard.
Dateline for votes: 9th Nov, Sunday

Option #1

Link: http://www.blogskins.com/info/205764
Since we're imbufians, our second country would be Africa:D This is nice cos of the African theme and the diary style. Its quite exotic right?

Option #2

Link: http://www.blogskins.com/info/180745
This might be abit...too cute? But you must look at the picture on the far right! Its just so cute:)

Option #3

Link: http://www.blogskins.com/info/146096/
FUNNY! And kinda cool:)


Sunday, November 2, 2008 1:38 PM

YEAH i found the hotmail account for the blog! Haha its funny cos i was clearing my hotmail inbox and then i accidentally screwd up the inbox. SUDDENLY, there was this unread email from Danielle that she sent reaallly long ago. I opened it and tada!

Hahahaha the password is so -.- Its like, living proof that ohseven206 was GIRL POWER! I shall change the blogskin soon. Once i end exams tmr:) Or if i get bored today. Anyone wants the username? Msg me:)


Love, Hanisah

Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:57 PM

This is funny!

Class outing.
2:24 PM

Because I am very wonderful and nice, I have come up with a list of places we can go for class outing. Of course, being meticulous as well, I have a range of places for your varying budgets.

-Vivo. (Surprise.)
-Canada (Mr. Imbufe!)
-Bird Park
-Farm (I don't know if there's a farm in S'pore but we could milk cows together!)
-East Coast Park
-Escape theme park
-Or, we could crash random people's houses.
-Malaysia (YEAR END SALE!!! WOOHOO.)
-Zac's house (Danielle knows the directions.)
-Wei Ren's house.

With a myriad of choices, I'm sure you'll find one to suit your needs.

Lewis will be planning the class outing right? Kthxbye.

Friday, October 24, 2008 11:55 PM

Remember watching the YearSixes farewell assembly two days ago?

I was thinking of it just now and how they all got together to perform a class thingy together. And then I realised that unlike them, we have our y1+2 class AND our yr3456 class when we graduate.
So I was wondering
and thinking
and now really hoping, ^^
that we can do an ohsix thing:DD


This requires all of your cooperation, willingness and enthusiasm so dont lack in any of these kay:) Dont you want to do it?:))

P.S. I miss 206 captball and bball))): *Nudgenudgenudge*

Love, Hanisah

Saturday, October 18, 2008 4:43 PM

Dear Mr Imbufe,

I wonder if youre a traditional man who expects your wife to do housework and manage the kids while you only work. I wonder if your wife works. I hope youre not. I hope youre the nice man who understands a woman's role in today's society and time and helps your wife with the kids and the housework:) Or not i'll have to dislike you.

So heres an update of your beloved ohseven206. WE'RE GONNA HAVE EOY EXAMS IN A WEEK:((( HELP. Please send us your wishes and love:D

Hmm, I'm not sure if we'll be having an ohsix outing this Dec holidays. We were thinking of having a chocolate buffet and acting like tourists in the city:) I wonder who's planning *hinthint* Youre welcome to join us anytime! If you can afford to fly back to Spore and visit eheh. I hope theres an exchange prog to Canada one day, in our school, so we can all go and maybe meet you. Well, till then!

Hanisah & ohseven206