Sunday, August 31, 2008
11:21 AM
Let's have a class outing (a proper one not those with three people going) during the holidays!
Friday, August 29, 2008
6:18 PM
There was suppose to be a 206 outing today but there wasnt): Why arent you people EVERRR free? Gosh Im so annoyed at people because alot just think only about themselves and like, if you really want to, you will confirm make time right? But I guess some people are really busy and thats okay. Sorry for ranting:/
Anyway, Wr, Lulu, Danie and me wanted to go out together today but didnt manage too cos stupid Ahmed screwed up my plans. GAH. Buuut this post is not gonna be about outings although I wish we could have one during the holidays (next week!:D). Okay I went off point again, this post is a dedication to our darling mentor:
Dear Mr Imbufe,
it was Teacher's Day today and all of us thought of you (right?-.^)! Wish you were here. This year, there was some concert following the team of The Wizard of Oz and Danielle was dancing very seductively gracefully wonderfully. Zong Xuan was also playing music and he looked so cool. Yanling was dancing to this anime song and she looked super cute dressed up, I bet Wr you should have seen her and Tiffany too! Lewis was making noise in the audience but then agn, you should have guessed that. The rest of us were just watching and being very enthusiastic(:
Here, is a picture to cheer you up since you probably miss us.

I made a black rose out of paper today! But currently my hp cant take pics so heres a internet image. Remember the black balloon we gave you once?
So thank you for being our very nice mentor and we miss you.

Myspace Layouts
Hanisah & all of 07206
Sunday, August 24, 2008
4:08 PM
206 class outing this Friday after Teachers' Day (29Aug), watching Journey to the Center of the Earth (least retarded movie showing in cinemas...unless you people are interested in like SpaceChimps or CloneWars omg).
Venue to be decided, haven't looked at timings yet. See youuu(:
Monday, August 11, 2008
7:26 PM
Dear Mr Imbufe,
How are you in Canada? I hope youre having fun researching. Its been a reaaaaaaaaaaaaal long time since you left and sometimes, I miss seeing your smile(: You said we'll forget you. Hey we definitely didnt! I bet YOU forgot us! Dont you dare ever. Do you even visit this blog? Tag if you do okay.
Did you know that lately, there was this geog assignment and I researched about your hometown^^ I learnt that Nigeria is one of Africa's most densely populated countries and it is also a major oil producer. WOAH. But it might be dangerous to be there cos theres a high death rate due to AIDs and HIV related illnesses:/ And Nigeria has weird beliefs like a woman is the husband's sex property and she has no say in how many babies she wants! I hope you DONT believe that, do you? And barren women are considered evil, and they are seen as witches who plot to kill pregnant women and babies O.o
Hmm one day, I plan to visit Canada and find you. Maybe at the end of our 6years, some of us will go for holiday tgt there so dont be surprised when you see a bunch of us at your doorstep, all grown up(: Btw, is your house there big?
♥Just so you know, Sabrina and Tianlu are no longer together. After you declared them the most popular couple in class, their relationship just kinda, fell apart. But Tianlu found new love with this other girl in his new class^^ Sabrina is currently single:D
♥OH YEAH, Zong Xuan won the Talent Contest this year! 08 Talent Search Champion yay! And he beatboxed at the National Concert too. It was funny and very nice.
Here are various other random updates:
♥Hmm Lewis is uber nice now but super sick too or has he always been like that?-.^
♥Wei Ren grew taller, I think. Oooh and he won 3rd for this year's cross country! And hes still hopelessly in love with nice.
♥Ivan still has that award-winning smile.
♥Nelson has started to go by the name Milk.
♥And last but not least, your three favourite girls- CherylDanielleHanisah, are becoming nicer and pretter and smarter by the day!
So I hope you reply soon but if not, I or we will still keep writing. Wish us luck for our coming common tests from there in Canada. Dont forget those plane tickets you promised us!
Miss you,
on behalf of ohseven two-oh-six
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
8:41 PM
Im copying and pasting this from my post on CDH blog since this relates to 206 and this blog's a little dead anyway(:This is dated 17 July:Im feeling happy happy happy happy:) But I shant be too happy because I learnt that fate has a stupid way of making you really down right after youre really high happy. Eh, speaking of happy, doesnt the word look weird right after you write or type it? Just stare at the word and pretend your dont know what it means, its.... weird.Aaaanyway, these days have been really nice and here I shall highlight 206 lunches!
Note to Dnielle: You must go check/tick the "206 Lunch in 2008" in 06 blog :D So we finally decided to meet up yesterday for 206 Lunch. Wednesday the boring IR day. And there was like, 4 people at first? -.- Exactly like our 206 outing in June. Then Dnielle joined so theres ME+CHER+DNIELLE+WR+IVAN:) And then we were talking and being stupid and oh heres the important part- making sure WeiRen ate properly. I shall let you know our Secret recipe for strong, tall children: Ingredients:1 Half-eaten potato chipA portion of Gerlynn's homemade lunchA few French Fries1 table spoon of Baked BeansA dash of Pink Dolphin drinkRemaining juice of papayas&watermelonsHow to Prepare:1. Put all the ingredients in a container.2. Mix well and serve immediately. (Put Dolphin drink last so the mixture doesnt get soggy.)Cheryl: Here, eat up Wei Ren! We made it just for you. *grins with pride*Wei Ren : *picks at food sulkily*So now you know why Wei Ren is... Wei Ren:) And oh when Gerlynn came over to talk to her darling, we tried to move away to give them privacy ^^ Lunch was funny, I cant remember what we talked about somemore but we were laughing alot. And Ivan was saying, "this feels like 206 sarcasm again:)" when CDH was talking. Pity Lewis couldnt join us! He couldnt find us and WeiRen's sim card was kinda screwd so didnt get Lewis' call):So today, after learning this new game, we decided to play w the guys so we had another lunch tgt! Well there was WR, Lew, Ivan, Zk, Cher, Me and Dnielle so today was like 7:) Hansiang joined us but thats okay. Its no fun to play the Name game w the guys lah they can say the name without laughing! So we changd the game to play TRUTH OR DARE! Thum, tum thum thuuum. And Lewis was damn funny and very willing to do dares.Heres a tip: If you want to play fun TRUTH OR DARE, play with Lewis. I cant rmbr the truths already but it was funny when I picked truth cos all the guys (except Hansiang) thot of the same thing to ask me. And Zikai finally did this thing that pissed Alister off abit:/ Scary.This was meant to be posted a long time back, altho I think blogger will still publish it on the date I typed. I just didnt have the time to complete that time so here it is, all overdue. But nevermind. Its kinda sad that 206(or at least my impression of 206) is not tgt for OBS cos now they arrange dunno how. I wish 206 could play bball or capt agn like we used to:)Eh why dont all the rest of you just join us if you see like some 206 people sitting tgt? We wont eat you:D Okay maybe Wei Ren will.
Love, Hanisah