Monday, July 28, 2008
8:32 PM
Teehee! We can go out after the 2.4 run this friday!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
10:14 PM
Its Semester TWO of year 2008! Omygosh thats like one WHOLE year since last years' sem2 which was one of the really interesting&enjoyable school times(: How time flies.And so how are you people? I doubt you'll be replying me directly so like, at least smile at the computer screen for a while or like frown to indicate how you are? Facial expression, honey. Hmm I was thinking, maybe we could have two-oh-six lunch every week...on wednesday maybe? Since the Year3 breaks&lunches are very synchro this sem. Okay this one you must reply kay.And WeiRen, when are we going bowling anw? You really want, plan lah. Then you invite the people! Lets end w a pretty picture:
Yours truly, Hanisah